Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eager Expectations

Today is the 29th of September. Does anyone know what that means? Well not much when it comes to history, but as for the development of this project is seems things are moving along slower than expected.

With a projected delivery date of September 30th (click image to enlarge) and the order for my model still in the production stage I anticipate that we'll be waiting another week for the model to arrive.

In the mean time, if you have not yet voted in the poll that I have placed up on (here) I ask that you take a moment to vote.

Monday, September 26, 2011

This is Hardly the Beginning

In an effort to start reaching out and creating a foot print in the online world I have decided to start this blog to document my projects.

At this current time there are two main projects at work...
1.) Medieval Game Pieces (aka Settler's Compatible Game Pieces)
2.) Surround Sound Headphones

Medieval Game Pieces
Some time this week I should be receiving my first model in the mail. Pictures to follow when it arrives. 3D modeling is well underway, but is on hold while I wait for my first model and experiment with the duplication process. The pieces have been named Medieval Settlement and Medieval City to avoid any potential naming controversies.

Surround Sound Headphones
On hold while working on the Game Pieces. The idea was to get some experience with the Game Pieces before venturing further with the Headphones due to their complexity. It is currently 70% 3D Modeled.